The much-anticipated day is soon approaching. You have made the exciting decision to design and build your new home. You have scoured countless Pinterest photos, perhaps previewed mounds of electronic home plans, conducted numerous “drive-bys” and snapped pics of homes you admire and searched your search engines at full speed. But now it is time to bring all your ideas and wishes to your architect – the team that will turn your vision into your home.
Hiring an architect is an important first step in creating a home that fits your budget, your needs, your wants and your desire to be in compliance with local laws and ordinances. Your architect can take all of your thoughts and research and create a custom plan to take to your home builder.
You make the call to schedule your appointment. Now it is time to prepare for the important day. To get the most of your visit with your architect, and to save time and money on the careful preparation of your home’s design, we suggest you prepare the following.

Write down your thoughts and be able to discuss on:
- What size home do you feel you need? How much square-footage of space do you need – include livable space as well as storage space?
- How many bedrooms and bathrooms do you want in your new home?
- Do you want to build on a basement, a slab or a crawl space? Do you have a lot to build on or are you searching for a site?
- What home layout do you prefer – open space, L-shaped, split level, U-shaped? Or do you have a unique idea of perhaps a combination of two styles?
- Do you need space for special considerations – in-law apartment, workshop, storage needs, handicapped accessibility, home office/telecommuting space?
- What enhancements or special design work do you want – special trim, kitchen features, closet style and space, energy efficient features?
- Consider your lifestyle. Do you entertain? Are you passionate about cooking? Do you work from home on a regular basis?
- Think about your home today – what features do you want to keep and what features must you change? Now is your opportunity!
- Pictures are worth a thousand words. Filter through all of your research and bring examples of those homes, yards, features and plans that appeal to you. Your architect is the one person on your home building journey who can pull all of these pieces and parts into one amazing project that will become your home.
- And finally, what is your budget and timeline. It is important to the overall success of your project to lock in these variables early to ensure your project is delivered when you want it and at a cost for which you have prepared.
Being prepared during your initial virtual visit with your architect with an abundance of information will help to launch your home building ideas into the home of your dreams.