Scotland Addition: Changed Plans, Happy Clients

As we guide our clients down the path “from dream to reality,” our pros know that even our most beautiful and budget-conscious designs have to be flexible. Whether changes come from our clients — or sometimes even Mother Nature — the Patuxent Architects team knows the importance of being able to adapt.  A recent example […]

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Questions To Ask A Commercial Design Architect

Your commercial design project could be one of the biggest undertakings of your career — so let’s make sure you give it all the consideration it deserves. At Patuxent Architects, we feel that being thorough is the best way to guarantee the success of your project. That’s why we encourage our clients to ask any […]

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Above and Beyond: Additional Services For You

Clients rely on the team at Patuxent Architects for exceptional professional design services —and we’re grateful for every single one. That’s why we go the extra mile and offer a range of additional services to improve the client experience. We often add these services to our proposals because most people don’t know we offer them […]

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5 Reasons to Hire an Architect

Whether you’re building a new home, renovating your current home or developing any new kind of building, one of the best decisions you can make is to hire an architect. An architect sees the big picture — bringing the education, training, experience and vision to guide you through the design, planning and construction process from start […]

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How we planned and created a series of additions for a renowned Chesapeake Beach seafood restaurant

The problem: In 2020, we were asked to design an addition to the Abner’s Crab House Restaurant in Chesapeake Beach. We went through many versions of the schematic design, with variations including: outdoor seating areas on the second floor; different designs for the bar and dining room areas; different restroom locations; and different levels of renovation of the first […]

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It’s all in the details. 

While we often find ourselves completing larger and more involved engineering projects, we do not shy away from smaller jobs. The process of engineering, problem-solving and designing are shared by small and large jobs alike. Whether you are looking at building a full structure, or remodeling a room, proper engineering is incredibly important.  Back in February […]

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Winter Time is also “Dream Home Planning” Time

On a famous TV show, they used to say “Winter is coming” — and it meant really bad things for those fictional characters. And while you might not love the cold winter months, they provide a great opportunity for people who are planning to build their dream homes. While it’s difficult to start building during the cold […]

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